“We thank God for finding your clinic just when we were all losing hope.”
“God sent Be The Exception Counseling Foundation to keep my son for a positive change. I can now see my son, that old son on drugs has gone away. My son speaks differently. The center definitely passed through his mind and life.”
“I am so impressed with all Be The Exception Counseling Foundation did for my sister when she was in critical need of medical help. May God continue to bless the CEO and her team. You guys are really doing great.”
“The CEO of BTECF is a very compassionate lady. What she did for my sister and also helping orphans and the Internally Displaced Persons are tremendous. Such a humble lady and a giver.”
“Be The Exception Counseling Foundation offered a scholarship to my brother to complete his residential treatment successfully. I really appreciate the kind gesture. May God continue to bless BTECF. Thank you very much for all you have done for him.”
” I am grateful for what has happened in my life. I am so happy and can’t express my utmost joy. I pray that this Foundation is blessed continuously and grows. I am an IDP and has been struggling in life. I was so blessed with all the clothes, toys, educational materials, bags, and vision glasses that my family and I received.”
A grateful, male Internally Displaced Person (IDP)
“I had more than I expected when I received donations from Be The Exception Counseling Foundation, for my family and me. As a widow, things have been hard and to receive food, laundry items, clothing and toys for my children, grandchildren unexpectedly, made this Christmas season really special. May God bless Be The Exception Counseling Foundation.”
A happy, Internally Displaced Person widow.
“Be The Exception Counseling Foundation has blessed us with clothes, food, educational materials and money for the children we care for. May God bless them abundantly.”
One of the 7 orphanages they donate to
“The transformation you and your team have given to my brother is incredible. May God bless the staff of BTECF.”